Becoming a Foster Carer
Each week, hundreds of animals find themselves in shelters and pounds across the country through no fault of their own. Many of these organisations rely on rescue groups and their network of compassionate foster carers to provide a temporary home an animal that they would not otherwise be able to save, due to limited space.
The vast majority of foster pets are happy, healthy animals who have been unfortunate enough to become homeless. Cats, dogs, puppies and kittens need a safe place to stay while they are waiting to find a new family.
What is a Foster Carer?
A foster carer is someone who provides a safe, nurturing environment for an animal until its forever home is found. Rescue groups like ours rely heavily on a network of compassionate foster carers to help save the lives of animals around the country from overflowing pounds and shelters.
As you can imagine, being kept in a shelter environment can be traumatic for many animals. In a foster home they have a chance to feel safe and secure, to be nurtured, exercised and socialised. Foster caring allows a much smoother transition when the animal is placed into his new home.
As a Fresh Start foster carer, a pet will be matched with your lifestyle and circumstances. We will provide you with ongoing information and support to ensure both you and your foster pet enjoy their stay in your home.
Who can be a Foster Carer?
Almost any animal loving person can provide a great foster home. As we are Brisbane based, we look for carers in the South East Queensland region including the Gold and Sunshine Coasts, Ipswich and of course the greater Brisbane area.
Great foster homes can include...
families who have space for one more pets,
singles who would love a pet but can't yet commit;
retired couples who travel part of the year and cannot keep an animal full time;
parents who want to teach their children about caring for animals;
people who would like a second pet but just aren't sure;
people who care about animal welfare & are willing to help save a life...
And these are just a few of the types of carers we have on board. All you need is a genuine love of animals and a willingness to help.
Our foster families are home checked in the same way our prospective adopters are to ensure each animal is placed into a safe and secure enviornment that will meet their individual needs.
How long will I have my foster pet?
The time you have your foster animal for varies from pet to pet. It can take as little as a week or up to a several months. In exceptional cases foster animals can stay in their carer's home for up to a year - it all depends on how long it takes to find the perfect forever home.
Foster carer is certainly a big commitment and definitely not a job for everyone, but knowing you helped save the life of an animal in need is an incredibly rewarding experience.
Won't I be sad when my foster pet goes to their new home?
There are always a few tears when you wave goodbye to a foster pet, but knowing that you saved their life and that they have now found the perfect forever family, makes up for any loss you will feel.
Besides, there's always another pet who needs you!

Not sure if fostering is right for you?
Becoming a foster carer is a big commitment, and we are always here to offer assistance and answer any questions you might have.
If you'd like some extra information to decide whether fostering might be the right choice for your family, send us a message!