Foster Application Form - Dogs & Cats
Thank you for choosing to become a Fresh Start Rescue foster carer. By becoming a foster carer, you are really making a difference to an animal's life.
Please take a few moments to complete the form below in as much details as possible to help us match you with a suitable dog, cat, puppy or kitten. Once submitted we will review the information, discuss it with you and arrange a quick home check by a Fresh Start volunteer.
It is important that your foster home meets these important criteria:
Your yard is secure and fully fenced to ensure the dog's safety;
Our dogs must be allowed sleep inside at night (or in a suitable enclosed outdoor living space);
Any children must be supervised when in the company of your foster animal at all times;
For dog foster care, please advise if you have a cat/s. This will help us find a suitable dog for your home;
Foster cats are to be strictly inside only (unless spending time in a secure outdoor cat enclosure)
For cat foster care, please advise if you have a dog/s. This will help us find a suitable cat for your home;
If you rent, we require evidence of landlord approval.
If your home does not meet all of the above criteria but you are eager to foster, please contact us to discuss.

When you sign up as a Fresh Start Rescue foster carer, you will receive our Carer's Guide - What to Expect and access to our private Facebook group that offers foster carers a chance to network with other carers, ask questions, share photos, and get advice about how to handle some of those more difficult situations.
If you are taking on the responsibility of fostering a rescued dog or cat, you must be prepared to invest the time in guiding them and enriching their lives. Often these animals have come from difficult backgrounds, sometimes with abuse and neglect, and they require a little time and patience to win them over. Many have only known life in a backyard or on the streets, so being in a loving home environment is a strange place and they will look to you for guidance.
Each foster animal is different. Some may need your help with:
toilet/litter training ;
learning how to walk nicely on a lead;
traveling safely in a car or being placed in a cat carrier;
socialising with other pets and children;
dealing with being left on their own;
learning not to scratch, chew or dig when bored.
PLEASE, be patient with your foster animal. If you are not prepared to invest the time required introducing these animals into a domestic environment, then we do not recommend fostering to you. Our lovely co-ordinators are available for guidance and our large and friendly group of carers are just a click away.